Hair Transplantation

Painless Therapeutic Hair Transplantation

Operation Process

Average Stay Duration 3 day

Length of Hospital Stay -

Operation Duration 6-8 HOURS

Anesthesia Local Anesthesia

Recovery Time 7-8 days

Operation Process

Safir Perkutan FUE Saç Ekimi

Operation Process

Dhi Choi Hair Transplantation

Female Hair Transplant

Operation Process

Scars and Burn Marks

Operation Process

Painless Therapeutic Hair Transplantation

During the anesthesia process applied before hair transplantation, minor pain may be felt for a maximum of 1-2 minutes. Patients who were worried about this situation for years were afraid of hair transplantation and gave up having it done. In recent years, with new technology, the anesthesia process has become much more comfortable with a painless local anesthesia device that does not contain needles. There is no needle at the tip of this device, and the anesthetic substance placed inside the device is injected under the tissue with pressure. No pain is felt during this procedure. The tissue, which is first anesthetized with a painless anesthesia device, is anesthetized again with needles. However, since it is 90% compatible with the device, at this stage our patient may feel very little or no pain for a maximum of 1 minute.

The advantage of this device is that it minimizes the feeling of pain and has no side effects. Our patient does not feel pain during or after the procedure. It is a much more comfortable and painless procedure than normal local anesthesia. For this reason, it is frequently preferred today. You can choose us for painless therapeutic hair transplantation and get your new hair painlessly. You can call us and make an appointment at our clinic for painless treatment that will be applied thanks to our new generation technological devices.

Why should you choose Estearth?

Estearth Hair Clinic is a clinic that has been offering hair transplantation treatments for a long time. Thanks to this clinic, which allows hair transplantation with new methods and high-tech devices, it is possible to have hair transplanted painlessly. In addition, Estearth Hair Clinic has the best hair transplantation specialists. For this reason, it is preferred by many patients. However, all hair transplantation treatments performed by Estearth Hair Clinic are definitely successful.


Before hair transplantation, the treatment needed by the patient is determined by the specialist. The important thing is not only the transplantation of the hair, but also strengthens the patient's natural hair, as the transplanted hair grows healthy afterwards. These treatments are planned specifically for our patients who have had hair transplantation. Plasma treatment, mesotherapy treatment, spray supplement containing vitamins and procapil are applied according to the patient's needs. Procapil helps nourish the hair and ensures that the transplanted hair grows thicker and faster.


Our patients who receive not only hair transplantation but also hair treatment see that their hair loss stops and even becomes stronger. The transplanted hair is guaranteed not to fall out for life. However, if the patient's natural hair is not supported, it may weaken and fall out. This situation may require the patient to have hair transplantation again in the future. Hair transplantation again causes both material and moral loss to the patient. The only solution to this is TREATMENT HAIR TRANSPLANTATION. Therapeutic FUE hair transplantation is one of the most effective hair transplantation methods you can choose. FUE hair transplantation treatment, which is applied completely professionally in our Estearth Hair Clinic, helps you get your new hair as soon as possible. If you want to prefer FUE hair transplantation treatment, you can contact us.

Safir Percutaneous FUE Hair Transplantation

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation (follicular unit extraction) is the grooving phase of the FUE hair transplantation technique, which is frequently preferred today, with tips made of sapphire, a very precious ore.

The advantage of channels opened using a sapphire tip is that, thanks to its anti-bacterial surface, there is less vibration during the channel opening phase, thus minimizing tissue damage. One of the biggest differences of the sapphire tip from other systems is that it is transplanted more frequently. Sapphire tips have special numbers according to the graft structure of each patient in order to open channels in open areas. After the procedure is completed, tissue healing occurs very quickly. Thanks to this technique, those who experience hair loss have natural hair that is indistinguishable from their own hair.

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation can be combined with other methods that increase comfort and patient satisfaction, such as sedation hair transplantation and unshaven hair transplantation.

Advantages of sapphire fue hair transplantation

. Pens with nibs made of real sapphire are used.

. Tissue damage and tissue trauma are minimized.

. Wound healing occurs very quickly.

. It provides the opportunity for more frequent planting.

If you want to benefit from the above advantages and more and have a successful hair transplantation treatment, you can choose Estearth Hair Clinic, hair transplantation clinic. You can call us today and make your first appointment at affordable prices.

Dhi Choi Hair Transplantation

DHI Hair Transplantation (Direct Hair Implantation) means "Direct Hair Transplantation". In this method, grafts are collected with the help of a medical pen called choi, and then the hair taken with the help of this pen is placed directly on the skin without opening an incision or opening a channel. While these two procedures are performed in separate sessions in known hair transplantation methods, thanks to this special pen used, the two procedures are reduced to one and comfort and convenience are provided to the patient.

In short, while the hair transplantation technique called FUE has three stages, the DHI procedure consists of two stages. The purpose of the application; The aim is to provide a dense and dense appearance without cutting the patient's hair, to preserve the existing hair appearance and to ensure that the person who has had hair transplantation quickly returns to his daily life without shortening the hair. Since the person transplanting the DHI method transplants one by one, you can adjust the hair density as you wish and as often as you want and get the hair you want.

Many people who undergo hair transplantation do not want their hair to be shaved. Is it possible to have hair transplantation without shaving? He starts asking the question. Although unshaven hair transplantation can now be performed, the important thing here is whether you are suitable for unshaven hair transplantation.

If you want to have a hair transplant without cutting your hair, your hair must be a certain length so that the grafted area can be covered with existing hair. People who cannot have a hair transplant without cutting their hair can also try the transplantation method, which is called partially unshaved, without shaving their hair.

The biggest advantage of unshaved hair transplantation is that the person can easily experience the hair transplantation process without disconnecting from social life. It can prevent loss of self-confidence, especially in the first days of hair transplantation, and make you feel much freer. If you want to have a hair transplant without any problems regarding your social and business life, call us. Because Estearth clinic and our experts offer the most suitable treatment for you.

Female Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a permanent treatment method that will positively affect the life of a person experiencing hair loss in every aspect. Hair transplantation, especially for women, is extremely important as it has a positive effect on their appearance. Hair loss or complete hair loss is a feeling of anxiety and unhappiness that no one wants. Hair loss, in addition to appearance, unfortunately also negatively affects a person's psychology and social life. This situation causes much greater problems, especially for women compared to men.

Hair transplantation in women is performed with the painless FUE hair transplantation method, just like in men. No pain is felt during and after the procedure. Depending on the patient's request and type of hair loss, shaved or unshaven hair transplantation can be performed. However, women often prefer the unshaved method.

It is very important for the hair transplantation treatment to be successful in women. This is only possible with new generation technology hair transplantation devices and new generation treatments provided by Estearth clinic. You can also choose us for a successful female hair transplant.

Scars Wound and Burn Scars

Scars or burn marks that occur when a person is a child or later have a negative psychological effect. Hair loss in burnt areas and scarred areas can be treated with graft transplantation.

It is completely closed with a 3-4 hour operation. These hairless areas due to scar or burn are permanently closed with graft transplantation, just like in hair transplantation.

In many scars (burns, scars, etc.), as in hair transplantation, roots are taken from the donor area with the FUE method, channels are opened with the most appropriate technique where the wound is located, and the transplantation is performed. We examine before the procedure and carry out the transplantation according to the needs of the region.

Scars and scars are as important as other treatments. In order to effectively remove scars from the face and other parts of the body, it is necessary to apply the correct treatment. This is only possible with professional plastic surgeons and professional treatment methods. Estearth clinic provides you with all kinds of facilities.

Average Stay Duration 3 day

Length of Hospital Stay -

Operation Duration 6-8 HOURS

Anesthesia Local Anesthesia

Recovery Time 7-8 days

Average Stay Duration 3 day

Length of Hospital Stay -

Operation Duration 6-8 HOURS

Anesthesia Local Anesthesia

Recovery Time 7-8 days

Average Stay Duration 3 day

Length of Hospital Stay -

Operation Duration 6-8 HOURS

Anesthesia Local Anesthesia

Recovery Time 7-8 days

Average Stay Duration 3 day

Length of Hospital Stay -

Operation Duration 6-8 HOURS

Anesthesia Local Anesthesia

Recovery Time 7-8 days